Little Tokyo: SanSan

Manticore 125

I've been playing variations of this deck for several months now; at its best it went 5-1 at the San Rafael regionals, pre-Upstalk (and, obviously, without Chronos Project or Lotus Field), and it's gone at least 3-1 in every small tournament I've attended since this summer. Game-plan is to score out agendas pretty much as quickly as you can behind cheap ETR ice, landing Grims and Archers when possible to keep rolling. You're not really set up to kill anyone, just keep taxing them with the general prickliness of 1pt. agendas and Snare! so they stay on their back foot and you can rush to 7.

Lotus Field is a little pricey for this deck but I'm trying it out. You generally want to tax cards, not credits, but having all cheap ICE makes you vulnerable to Parasite, and, strangely, Darwin.

You can protect your SanSan on the table with a Snare! or Shock! in the server. Shock is better because you'll end up overwriting it to score but runners will probably treat it as a Snare when it's sitting on the table.

Corporate Troubleshooter does all right, but that influence could be spent elsewhere. I used to run Power Shutdown and that can do a lot of work, just as it does in Supermodernism.