[SG+SU21] King of Recursion

PreNic 343

This deck is only based on System Gateway and System Update 2021. I would suggest to play this after practicing a little bit with the Starter Deck.

A few notes on the deck:

  1. On a successful run on HQ, you can pick two cards in the heap, the Corp remove one of them from the game and the other one is added to your grip. To mitigate the fact that the Corp choses which card is added to our hand, most of the cards are in 2x or 3x copies, so that we can present the same card twice. Anyway, sometimes it is interesting to present two different cards to the Corp: make them struggle! ;)

  2. The economy relies on Pennyshaver, that is our console and will reward us from running, and on the events. In addition to Pennyshaver, we also have Security Testing, that is synergic with our console since it will reward us 2 on a successful run on a selected server.

  3. Since the deck plays almost 30 events, we have three copies of Prepaid VoicePAD. We want to install two copies of Prepaid VoicePAD as soon as possible since this will allows us to play one event per turn for free (Test Run and Sure Gamble are the only events in the deck that cost more than 2).

  4. Mutual Favor and Test Run both allow us to get our icebreakers from the stack. I decided to include two copies of each since Test Run can also search for Sneakdoor Beta and it can be user to retrieve one program from the heap in case it has been trashed by the Corp.

  5. Forged Activation Orders can be used to trash one ice if the Corp is low on credits or to get information about the installed ices and force the Corp to spend credits. Emergency Shutdown can either tax the Corp or, if they don't have the credits to re-rez the ice, may allow a cheap run on a server. Tread Lightly is taxing the Corp on a single run and it sometimes allows for very cheap runs if the Corp is low on credits and cannot afford the additional rez cost.

  6. Sneakdoor Beta is here in case the Corp fortifies the HQ to prevent you from using your ability. Is gives you a backdoor access to HQ passing through the Archives.

  7. Jailbreak, The Maker's Eye and Docklands Pass are all tools to get multiple card access. As a note, Docklands Pass works in combination with Sneakdoor Beta.

  8. About the resources, Earthrise Hotel is here to guarantee a clickless flow of cards. Since the card is trashed when empty, it may become a target of Steve's ability, so that you can reuse it. Scrubber is here to provide some economical support while trashing cards.

  9. Finally, you get to use some of the best available breakers in System Gateway + System Update 21. You have them in a single copy since you can use both Mutual Favor and Test Run to fetch them and Test Run will also allow you to get them back if the Corp manages to trash one of them.

Mulligan: Sure Gamble, Dirty Laundry, Security Testing and Pennyshaver are all good starting points. One of this card in the initial hand is good, two of them would make you happy.