We Need More Teeth

kayat 2

This deck is freely inspired by I resurrect ye, JUMON! thanks to sebastiank!

The idea is still to score Regenesis and reveal a face-down Jumon in archives, adding it to the score area.

But i added more teeth.

First of all some combo you could try with mitosis :

  1. Urtica + NGO
  2. Urtica + Obokata
  3. Urtica + Urtica

etc ...

On top of that Counterstrike could also punish the steal of Jumon & Obokata in the archives.

Vladisibirsk is here to help you advance your Regenesis but here it could also make your Urtica more leathal.

It's surely not the best deck, but it's so fun to play.

And what would be Jurrasic Park without the teeth right?.