Thanks, I hate it. [Startup]

Argelia 21

Inspired by another deck I saw here.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused in jnet.
I don't even like PE, Boat made me into this.


12 Apr 2023 Diogene

Only 3 ices! How did Hostile Architecture perform for the deck?

Also, did you consider changing PAD Campaign for Regolith Mining License?

Thanks for sharing!

12 Apr 2023 Argelia

I'm not convinced on Hostile Architecture, but I couldn't find any other replacement for what it does. In the end, it lets me gets some value out of "must trash" assests. But it also lets you fire Bladderwort for unexpected kills so that's nice.

Original list had Punitives instead but I found that too clunky.

I haven't considered Regolith Mining License because I either want to install stuff or advance them. Clicking regolith looks pretty slow to me. If you do try, it let me know!

13 Apr 2023 Tinweazel

You not only removed the Punitives, you also took out the Marilyn Campaigns :)

I like the idea of Hostile Architecture - just to make it even more taxing to trash stuff. It DOES put "The Onus Of Inflicting Pain" on the runner.

The original idea with the deck was to make everything hurt and/or expensive to trash (preferably 4 cost to trash). I used Marilyn Campaigns because it's already so taxing to trash stuff, having them get shuffled right back into R&D is just infuriating so the runner would just leave them alone.

How does Ronin fare for you? Will runners generally let you advance it without running it? Initially the deck didn't have Mitosis, so back then Ronin was out of the question because it was too much of a tempo hit, but I can see how Ronin becomes viable again now that Mitosis is in.

With Urtica and Ronin in the deck the runner really DOES have to think hard about leaving advanced cards on the table. (Normally they'd just get snipped for a single net damage when you score an agenda but Ronin, and Clearinghouse both mean that it's going to be a LOT worse than that).

13 Apr 2023 Tinweazel

@Diogene The ICE is not there to protect anything. It's ONLY there to deliver a guaranteed 2 net damage. After that it's a pretty weak piece of ICE :)

The original 'theme' of the deck (called Snipsnipsnipsnip...) was that EVERYTHING should hurt, even if just a little; financially or card-wise.

There are 8 only cards in the entire deck that does neither: The operations! :D

15 Apr 2023 Argelia

@Tinweazel I think Marilyn is a fundemetally broken card but here I really don't mind the deck thinning as you already want some agendas to be stolen.

I never IAA Ronin, it's too slow for sure. It's only a Mitosis target. But it also combines nicely with the Hostile Architecture.