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22 PLAYER INDY STORE CHAMPS Jerkteki 3.0 2nd place 2/7/15
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StarryVeck 1

Wherein I, a relatively amateur Netrunnerer, take a fine-tuned deck of someone who has played far more Netrunner than I (@travisrchance) and attempt to make it 'better'.

Changes I've made:

Added 3 x Jackson Howard - After being keyholed (and achives interfaced, as it happens) a lot with the original deck.

Added 2 x Rainbow - In order to be relatively taxing for Eater to deal with.

Added an additional Swordsman, again as Eater hate.

Swapped a Clone Retirement and a Braintrust for a The Future Perfect, reducing the agenda density of the deck and limiting opportunities for runners to steal CR. It's great to see one in your opening hand against Valencia, but it's a pain in the arse if she steals one to double up on bad pub.

Just remembered, I wanted to put Hostile Infrastructure in here too, to further punish Keyhole runs (and to give me something to rez in the event of a siphon run) but I forgot. I imagine that the ICE distribution doesn't allow for protecting another server but I may experiment once I've played with this version a bit.


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