Haas Broacasting Network

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Luzifer 38

The basic structure of this deck has been very solid for me over the past month. The goal is to run the runner out of money (pun not intended). Even if they get in to whatever server you have set up they still have to trash the ash/red herrings you have sitting there.

I originally had scorched in the deck but I was never happy with it. To often (read: every game) it sat in my hand and did nothing. Since I didn't want to sink the influence to run two it never became relevant so I cut it. I put in Director Haas as an experiment, because she has been insane for me in every deck I've put her in.

City surveillance is a bait card. Its been reasonably good and I always enjoy the game where I play it. Worse case it taxes them a credit and forces them to run a server that drains their econ and then they still have to trash it. Other games its just been a reverse pad campaign so its been fine overall.

Chilo primarily works with Viper, forcing the runner to break the first subroutine or at least beat the trace. Sometimes its dumped an extra tag on a draco they face checked. Overall its been nice as a one of, but I could see cutting it if you prefer something else.

Aside: ChiLo combines with Bernice and Ash like i think it does correct? even after its been declared successful and their abilities trigger the run is still going on and thus they take the extra tag from chilo.

20 Jan 2014 scifor

Wow, it is quite interesting deck. So much tagging yet so little punishment seems strange for me. I will give it a try but I don't have true color yet so those sweep weeks are hedge fund for me. How is the performance so far?

20 Jan 2014 Ravarix

Interesting deck, I like it. Seems a little vulnerable to link, but it's rare to find a rabbit hole (or some such) deck.

You are correct about the ChiLo and Bernice/Ashe interaction. The run is still in in progress when Ashe/Bernice trigger.

21 Jan 2014 Luzifer

its been really good. You might go up to a third closed accounts, but really thats it as far as tag punishment (Scorched Earth uses too much influence and you need two a competent player or a bad one with plascrete, and Freelancer doesn't do anything you can't already do with a tag on them). Like i said you're trying to control their money, and closed accounts lets you hit them hard, especially the tag me event decks. Just being able to means that decks relying on Kati will have nightmares. (if you have breaking news installed. they take the money and you can close their accounts and if they don't you can trash the Kati.)

The hardest decks, are magnum opus decks, since they have a constant economy that is harder to interact with. But so far I've won the majority of those match ops by just building a thick enough layer. In Magnum Opus match ups you generally have only two servers that matter remote and R&D which makes building the glacier easier. Again, just make them spend a lot of money to get in to stay a head on tempo.

As an aside: I do hope we get an "if the runner is tagged) asset for NBN. Something that drains their money would be nice. "If the runner is tagged they must pay 2 credits as an additional cost to run." That would be sweet

21 Jan 2014 scifor

How about -1 breaking news, -1 restructured data pool , +2 private security force?

21 Jan 2014 Luzifer


Yeah its a little vulnerable to link but... what NBN Making News deck isn't in one way or another? if its not than it should probably be The World is Yours.

While not quite the same I did play a game against someone with 3 compromised employees out and while tricky, I still carried it. Just being able to go brutally fast with Director Haas can hold it off and Red herrings can still stick.

If you metagame is drowning in rabbit holes (I see more dysons over here) than I'd recommend Foxfire. just playing one can generally chip their link strength down enough.

Also, rabbit hole decks tend to be slower so if you can land an early account siphon you might be able to swing tempo back.

21 Jan 2014 scifor

I really like the flavor and ability of city surveillance card ( not the cost and trash cost though). I am happy to see you can make use of it somehow. how do you protect director Hass? Was she easily stolen during your game?

21 Jan 2014 Luzifer


actually, I have a PSF in place of the Character assassination and am waiting to score it to see how it does. my thoery puts it at okay. I haven't tested it enough.

if I had to make adjustments to this list, I would cut the character assasination and one beale for two PSF. The breaking news are untouchable IMHO as they are the most certain ways of getting that Closed account off or to trash that Kati. As for restructured datapool. I just have always loved the card. Unlike other 3/5 agendas I feel like I can't loose when I score it as it having a sea source in hand at all time is nasty and will bleed the runner of money. Also, if you add PSF, it would RDP would make it even better.

21 Jan 2014 Luzifer

@scifor This is from Haas in a different game and a different deck. But it bears on the situation. The opponent stole her and a commenter said "thats why I don't run her, free agenda points". My reply was, "She's never free." the five credits put me a head enough on tempo to set up and win the game. Even when she's at her worst, she's a NAPD security contract, an agenda they have to pay a lot to steal.

Otherwise, I have one games I had no business winning on her back. I had a server with her and Ash and it just ate my opponents time and money allowing me to score agendas out of hand and strengthen my defense. She's a little awkward with redherrings so I'm tossing the idea of increasing my Ash count and running Interns to further bury the runner.

Regardless, the point is as long as shes not imp'ed/demo runned. She's awesome. Also immune to singularity for when thats relavent.

21 Jan 2014 scifor

Fair enough. I would really love RDP if the base trace strength is bit higher. I have tried my chilo trace heavy deck before and it failed terribly. That is why I am so pump to try yours especially with those Hass and CS.

21 Jan 2014 Luzifer

I personally think to is fair. especially since it basically means trace 4 with this identity. It also depends, as Ravarix mentioned, on the average link strength of the decks you play against. Mine is around 1.5ish but none that go over 3 in any normal game. So that can also influence card choices.

21 Jan 2014 gravity

You seem to have enough tagging capabilities in this list. Why not save the influence and run Freelancer for hard resource control instead of the Hellion?

I feel like the cyberdog is pretty mediocre.

21 Jan 2014 scifor

I made the following changes. - 1 character assassination, -1 Beale , -1 hellion alpha test, -1 red herrings + 2 PSF, + 1 freelancer, + 1 Ash

I am with gravity. That dog is not that good in my opinion. The changes are by no means final iteration but I think it goes in the right direction. I only spend 14 influences in this deck though. Any comments?

21 Jan 2014 scifor

I made the following changes. - 1 character assassination, -1 Beale , -1 hellion alpha test, -1 red herrings + 2 PSF, + 1 freelancer, + 1 Ash

I am with gravity. That dog is not that good in my opinion. The changes are by no means final iteration but I think it goes in the right direction. I only spend 14 influences in this deck though. Any comments?

21 Jan 2014 Luzifer

I can see cutting the HAT. It was really good and devastating for me for a while, but it does have timing issues,

As for other changes, my friend did a version of this and he added freelancer, for myself I've never been fond of the card since, it doesn't add any knew capabilities just makes the tag punishment you can do anyway more efficient. Which isn't the worst thing in the world to be fair.

On card I might recommend is Interns. Its really good for reinstalling your ashes, red herrings, pad campaigns, and marked accounts that get trashed, as well as any random ice that gets destroyed. Also, if you have a game where you're not drawing ice and want to protect the director, you can overdraw your hand, dump her into archives and then install her from there later.

Oh since your version has a floating influence, I'd recommend going up to the third eli. He's really good, Maybe cut the RSVP or, if you want to increase ICE density, the freelancer you added.

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