Citadel Nexus

Diogene 4186

Az could be related to Sunny here. Efficient running, midgame setup.

There is a lot of creds here : Rezeki, Bravado, Diversion of Funds, Sure Gamble, Daily Cast, Rogue Trading, DreamNet. And you'll save creds with Miss Bones.

Citadel Sanctuary is there mainly to use Rogue Trading, but it will protect also from Punitive Counterstrike. With all the credits, you should be nearly immune to Hard-Hitting News.

For running, Aumakua, Engolo and Boomerang are the "breaker". They are there to give you a chance to have something early enough (Boomerang is an amazing early aggression tool).

The main work horse is Security Nexus. Once setup, you will save a ton of cred when running. With 3x Sports Hopper, it is possible that the bypass will be free.

I found that Drive By gave more dividend than Falsified Credential (a good card also). It saves me a run through ices, give me info and even possibly trash a card for free. Project Junebug will not an issue.

Multiaccess is a bit weak, with only The Turning Wheel and HQ Interface.

Buffer Drive will make you last longer against grinder corp (usually Jinteki). It will also give you a chance to get an essential card back (like after losing Engolo to SDS Drone Deployment).

The drawing engine is the main weakness here. With only The Class Act and DreamNet, you'll be clicking for card a lot here.

14 cards fit with the ID, and 3 of those are self recurring cards. This mean Az ID will be relevant most of the game. Also, Az is the only one, beside 419, who has 1 link. And this is important when using Security Nexus.


17 Nov 2020 ValkyriezGaming

I've been playing a lot of Az lately, completely different deck to yours but something you can consider is Drug Dealer. The synergy it has with Class act to draw a card, thats filtered, on the corps turn is amazing.

You need a way to turn it off, and a quick suggestion from me is to drop Buffer Drive (I don't see it as a very valuable card in 90% of your games) and slot in 1x Isolation.

17 Nov 2020 Diogene

@ValkyriezGaming I was planning to use Buffer Drive for emergency retrieval of card or for extra econ (getting a 4th Rogue Trading, having a 4th DoF).

Your suggestion is actually good and you are completely right about the the interaction of Drug Dealer and The Class Act.

However, I loss against grinder decks (Jinteki) because I could not pay for the Obotoka.

I recently encoutered a player using Guru Davinder to great effect. This could be used also. But slots and inf are tight.

This deck is my most successful of the Security Nexus serie. The Shaper version is pretty good. The Anarch had potential, but failed too many times.

17 Nov 2020 Krams

@Diogene Guru Davinder is a false friend against Obokata Protocol.

Guru prevents all damage, always. And Obokata has damage as a cost. You are prevented from paying this cost and thus, can never steal the agenda.

17 Nov 2020 Pokerface

Looks great. I have built a similarish deck in 419, but I found that the setup time was a bit longish. Are you sure that you need 3 rezeki? With the Rogue Trading econ, wouldn't it be more efficient to have 2 rezeki and 2 TTW ? Anyway, 100% agree with the buffer drive, it is often useful, and a good security against random damage, etc. But with HQI, and a 2nd TTW, you might want to try Rip Deal?

17 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Krams Thanks for the advice. It is true that Obotaka make it a cost (what a nasty agenda).

This put me back on the fence between Direct Access and Guru Davinder. In both case, they are excellent card that will save you a lot of grief. But will be dead cards against certains corps. Maybe I was so annoyed to lose to Guru (my punitive only costed 4 creds to the runner). Guru really shutdown Weyland (like Paparazzi).

In this deck, I'll keep Buffer Drive, because it cost only 2 cred to Az, making is a much more valuable card retrieval and it will save me some grief (sometime).

17 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Pokerface I like your suggestion. I'll do it! One more TTW and one less Rezeki, it make sense.

I tried Rip Deal before. It goes well with HQI, just like you said. But it come at a high cost. Even for Az, each HQI is 3 creds. And Rip Deal cost 3 creds to run, plus the cost of the run, to get back card straight in your hand, with no access. In my experiments, I felt Rip Deal was better when played in combo with Fisk or DoF. Allowing you to get the Fisk and/or DoF back. But the cost stayed too high to make it work. I would love to make Rip Deal work, because I feel there is a lot of potential there. Of note, Rip Deal work very well with TTW, possibly allowing you to get 5 cards back in hand. It might be worth it to have one copy after all.

Keep up with your suggestions, you just made my deck better. Thanks.