Lady Liberty R+ (WIP) [2-1, 11/48 at Midlands Regional]

Kikai 2445

With wins against Deep Dive Lat and Esâ, and 1 x loss against Kit (where I mulligan'd into 3 x agendas and an enigma--more fool me).

Rather than playing something sensible, I decided that I wanted to play asset R+ at Midlands Regionals, so I made some last minute (untested) changes to this Lady Liberty R+ asset list that I'd been tinkering with.

The changes all turned out good, but that doesn't mean that I feel great about this list. It's much blunter than the the old dark fate lists, more susceptible to bad draw, and generally less fun. Degree Mill sucks, and I honestly wonder whether we should play Send A Message instead (even in this ICE light list).

Card Choices

Agenda Suite

We're playing the AR-ES agenda suite, because we don't have any decent 5/3 agendas any more (boo-hoo emoji). We're playing Lady Liberty because we're playing the AR-ES suite. We're playing Beale because we often pretend that it's a 5/3. We're playing 4 x 3/2 because if we only play 3 x 3/2 and any of the 3/2 get stolen then it becomes super awkward to try and score out.

AR-ES warps the game in a way that forces the runner to either stop interacting with the board, or go completetly tag me. There isn't really a viable middle ground. This is what I mean by the deck being much blunter (and less fun) than Dark Fate.

This in turn warps our decklist choices towards cards that punish the runner for not interacting with our board (Lady Liberty, SanSan City Grid, Federal Fundraising), and cards that punish the runner for going tag me (2 x Shipment from Vlad, 2 x Starlit Knight).

Notable Exclusions

We're playing Nico Campaign instead of Working Prototype because AR-ES is click intensive to score, and we need to get those clicks back from somewhere. Also, we can't click prototype while we are clicking Lady Liberty.

Alternatives (WIP)

I love Hammer, but it might be too subtle for this list (the irony of which is not lost on me). This gives us an ICE slot and 2 inf, but damned if I know what to do with either of those things. Gatekeeper?

Oracle Thinktank is less useful as a way of inconveniencing the runner (who will almost certainly go tag-me at some point anyway), but more useful for it's shuffle back ability. How valuable that ability is, given how thin R&D quickly becomes, is arguable. False Lead, Fly on the Wall, or even Superconducting Hub all seem like reasonable alternatives.

Do we really need the 3rd Oppo Research if the runner is certain to go tag-me? Unclear. If we could play 2.5 x Oppo then I probably would.