Secure the bag

x3r0h0ur 8976

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We're going to secure the bag.

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NO, not that BAG

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Step 1 - Secure the bag (get 1000 credits with patchwork economy)

Step 2 - Secure the bag (draw Bug out bag)

Step 3 - Secure the bag (spend 1000 credits installing Bug Out Bag)

Step 4 - Secure the bag (play guinea pig to empty your hand)

Step 5 - Secure the bag (severnius dig all of RnD, maybe HQ)

Don't forget to pop your Tropes before the bag goes off for extra depth.

Get in, we're digging the Corps' RnD and Jeff Bezos is going to pay us to do it.

18 Sep 2020 ctz


22 Sep 2020 bing005

by far the best bug out bag deck i've seen. I reckon maxx with buffer might be better though - cut the harmony.

5 Oct 2020 neuropantser

i should have known the only problem with my Magnum Opus-Bug Out Bag-Severnius Thunkplants deck was not in fact the core concept of the deck, but Mopus