Who let the Dogs Out

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Zhonyun208ad 29

This idea came to me as a joke but it works really well. It has gone though a few renditions but this one seems to be the best layout.

Its straight forward play the netchips, burn though your dog tokens then Brahman them to top deck and ProCon them back into your hand.

Sports hopper is in here for the link but the trash for three cards can come in handy when your digging for stuff and the rest is Shaper BS.

If you have any things or ideas to improve upon this please let me know.

2 May 2016 tiedyedvortex

I love all the creative things people are doing with Brahman. It may turn out to be one of the MVPs of the pack.

I definitely like the dogs approach--both as a theme deck and mechanically. However, they're expensive enough programs that you don't want to Brahman them until they're expended. Which means that Brahman is going to be doing a whole lot of nothing most of the time.

I would rethink your economy. Namely, I'd put in less of it. You've got Magnum Opus + Beckman, Professional Contacts, Sure Gamble, Underworld Contact, Personal Workshop, Daily Casts, Kati...it's too much.

I would cut down to just Magnum Opus, Rachel Beckman, the Sure Gambles, and maybe the Daily Casts. You could potentially through in some Moddeds instead: those would help you install and reinstall your dogs.

Assuming you take out the Underworld Contacts, you don't really need the Sports Hoppers and you definitely don't need the Rabbit Holes. You aren't doing a Security Nexus build, so having oodles of link isn't that important (unless you're planning on seeing a lot of traces, I guess).

You could also consider throwing in Replicator+Bazaar to throw down all your NetChips at once. But you actually aren't using all that much memory: Brahman+three dogs + mopus is only 7 memory, which means that you'd honestly be better off with your Astrolabe and a couple Akamatsu Mem Chips. If you're committed to the NetChips, Hyperdriver works really nicely with Magnum Opus and can make use of all those extra chips.

2 May 2016 Delrian

Goddammit you beat me to it. Though I was gonna play mine out of Hayley since reinstalling the dog breakers is going to be click intensive.

2 May 2016 Zhonyun208ad

@Delrian Sorry to beating you to it but I think Kate is the better of the two for two reasons. 1) she lowers the install cost. 2) you can have more than one of each dog out with the memory this has. Though of course Hayley is the other maybe even better choice.

@tiedyedvortex Thanks for the input I will work it in an see how it goes. I did find that once the engine began the Corp couldn't stop me if it wanted and the econ was what helped. Mind you I do believe there is to much and I have things like Hyperdriver to help late game but I found this deck hurts all game. Wth the PW slowly ticking things down and installing from hand pits most corps on tilt trying to figure out if your playing from hand or just showing it. You are right in the fact that Brahman does almost nothing but when it starts moving it's great to watch them see it happen again and again. So I will mess with this some and update this as it keeps going.

2 May 2016 esutter479

Pretty cool deck idea here! :) I should post my Kate w/Brahman idea that I brainstormed the other night.

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