Tyson Culture Club v1.0

vor_lord 194

This is my attempt at a Hayley Chameleon shenanigans deck. After I put it together I figured it looked awful, but it won the first three games I've played with it, so maybe there is something here worth pursuing. It certainly worked better than I thought.

There are similar decks -- use Sahasrara and Scheherazade to break even if you use two Chameleons. Autoscripter is good, as with Opus it amounts to 2c a turn every turn you run (since you can't run much without installing Chameleon).


  • Chameleon/LLDS. Well, that's what the deck is about. Being able to have two str 6 breakers for free, without losing a click?
  • Corroder. Lots of barriers can get out of your Chameleon range. And corroder is a pretty great breaker.
  • Tyson Observatory. Yes, the deck sets up slowly. An early Tollbooth or Lotus Field is impenetrable, so pulling out the LLDS early is a big deal. Also, you want the Box-E early, as the deck is memory hungry (you'll often be full if there is a sentry and a code gate you need to break). I used Tyson O. in all three games. A third wouldn't hurt even. Last game I saw a single Diesel for draw until I was halfway through. TO let me pull out the hardware I needed to neutralize an early Tollbooth. There are a lot of targets for it -- Box-E, LLDS, Autoscripter, Plascrete.
  • PW/Stimhack. Stimshop works great here. Favorite move? When your turn begins, use PW to install a program. That triggers Hayley's ability (install a Chameleon from your grip). Autoscripter fires. You now have a 5 turn. Take 8 and then Stimhack. Break that Curtain Wall/Tollbooth server!
  • Clot. Your two biggest enemies are rushing and FA. The reason rushing is a bigger threat than FA is because of Clot.
  • Remote lock. You simply need less money to run through a remote when your full rig is set up, as your breakers are already pumped. You don't have stealth credits that can be taxed. You have Magnum Opus. Late game, use Clot to stop fast advance and camp the remote. If your credit pull has enough range, then establish R&D lock.


  • Jank. Yes, this is janky. It's combo-y. It takes a while to get set up.
  • Janus. Sorry. You've got nothing but clicks as a defense. Luckily this is the only sentry or code gate in the game that is out of your range (assuming 3x LLDS and Net-Ready Eyes). If you think you'll see it, find room for a Deus X and a third Clone Chip. Archer, however, is sad, as you can break it for just 4.
  • Corporate Troubleshooter. Just a few credits can put it above 6/7.
  • Rushing. Any sentry or code gate that is str 4 or above needs hardware support to break. Expect to fall behind. If the agenda that's scored is an Astro, you probably lose.

Certainly this is at best a tier 2.5, but it is a fun tier 2.5, and can make many corps feel helpless. A full stealth rig has a similar effect, but stealth creds can be taxed, and your early pressure with stealth is more problematic. A single chameleon demands two deep protection or 4+ str.