I Win Button v. 2.0

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Grimwalker 639

This machine kills runners.

The objective is to install Panic Button midgame and draw your entire deck or nearly so, Reuse into a massive credit lead, and then Biotic into a SeaScorch kill.

Efficiency Committee can be scored but it's rarely necessary unless Plascrete is up and you need more clicks to ArchiveScorch.

Taxing Ice should keep the runner fairly low on credits. They will often mentally subtract your hand size from your credit pool and feel that they have more of a comfortable credit lead than they do.

Shell Corporation and Panic Button should be held in reserve until your credit pool nears the number of cards remaining in R&D: you do not want to be caught flat-footed when you Panic all your money away and fail to draw into sufficient combo components.

29 Jan 2015 Father Tork

I would try and find Influence space for Bullfrog to be better able to force the opponent into running HQ

29 Jan 2015 Father Tork
29 Jan 2015 Jashay

How do you win if they have Plascrete Carapace? Your ICE suite is severely lacking in actual stopping power, and you only have one agenda that can be straight scored from hand, unless you're happy to use multiple Biotic Labor, which will tear your hand size to bits.

The Panic Button/Reuse combo is a nice one. Double your money for two clicks.

30 Jan 2015 Grimwalker

@Father Tork If they need encouragement to run HQ, Shell Corporation provokes it nicely. Letting the corp have a Kati Jones of their own seems to be intolerable.

@Jashay Double Biotic an Efficiency Committee puts paid to Plascrete. I can take a 7-click turn with that and a single Biotic: Reuse, SS, Scorch, Scorch, Archive Memory, Scorch. It does take time to set up, but can be done. When you pull a Biotic out of Archives, it actually tends to put the runner at ease because they think you're getting ready to score out, not kill them.

Ultimately you need to invest in future clicks: Whether you spend the Biotics beforehand, by converting them into Efficiency Tokens, or you spend them up front on your kill turn, is sort of fungible. It just depends on opportunity.

As far as Ice goes, I don't need hard stopping power, I just need them to be taxed.

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