
Talialalalala 16

Test deck. Feel free to comment and suggest edits!

11 Dec 2015 M1ke

Damn, I lost my comments twice. Not too much energy to go over in detail a third time!

  1. Wireless Net Pavilion feels like overreacting, since you have no self-tagging options and you already included the safety net of Fall Guy, NACH and Film Critic
  2. 1x Professional Contacts is really a dead slot. You want those sleazy handshakes from mulligan, or not at all.
  3. Underworld Contact, Data Folding and the MU requirements of a full rig rely solely on your The Toolbox. I tried a similar approach once, but it was too draw dependent (bonus: I had Creeper as my sentry breaker in that Kit deck. oh, the horrors...)

PS. Nasir is love. Spread the love.