1-Core-Set Tinkering Kate

XandoX 2

The core idea of this deck revolves around The Maker's Eye and Tinkering.

Get Corroder or Gordian Blade out and use Tinkering to make your way through different types of ICE in the early game when you don't have all your breakers.

Use The Maker's Eye to run R&D.

Use Déjà Vu to recover The Maker's Eye (and/or Tinkering)

You can use Tinkering in the mid/late game, too, when it might be cheaper to break ICE of the same kind with a single breaker --> Battering Ram and Gordian Blade because of their "+x strength for the remainder of this run" abilities.

Battering Ram and Femme Fatale are situational choices. They're expensive. So use them only when the situation requires you to. Otherwise, throw them away.