Good stuff corp 2-0 @GNK Montreal 2024-11-19

Diogene 4274

Mid range corp. Ice up, get money and score behind ice. Finish the game with scoring from hand. This let me be 2nd of 6 players at Montreal Highlander GNK @L'expedition 2024-11-19, where I did 2-0 (vs Stephen and Martin).

In my opinion, in a Nova vs Ampere match, Ampere is favored because nobody knows what type of corp Ampere will be, but the runner will be "good stuff" mainly.

Of note, when playing in person, picking 49 different cards to sleeve is much more work than when I sleeve my usual corp (with lots of 3x). Not a problem, but an observation, because we were all having the same comment about it.

If you play this, do the following change : replace Corporate Hospitality by Restore. I played the former because I did not want to print the latter, which is missing from my collection. Also, Your Digital Life might be more playable than Government Subsidy.

An argument could be made to replace The Basalt Spire by SDS Drone Deployment. Since I aimed for more speed, I went for the former.

Thanks to Odonuvo for organizing the event, it was a lot of fun. Cheers!