An eventful party

AppleBerry 291

It's very straightforward concept.

Get wyldside and the prepaid voicePAD's down and make those sweet credits and run. What more is there to netrunning.

I really have very little to say about this deck other than, it's simple, it's effective and it's fun.

12 May 2017 Dazzler

Why take Easy mark ? You can always add more day job or queen's gambit for money. Without the Easy mark you can free the influence and use it on another card.

12 May 2017 AppleBerry

Easy mark is there as up top up credits. After using prepaid on another card, easy mark is there to help top up, saving the bigger prepaid profits for next turn.

Why over Queen's Gambit and Day Job it's simply I want to be using those clicks to be running. Lucky Find, Easy Mark then run, is a good turn