This card should be renamed "Funsucker". It rewards you and punish the corp for what you want to do anyway, and it does this all with a measly cost of 1, and 1 influence. This card, along with Mimic, Yog and Corroder should really have cost 1 extra influence each.

I agree. It is too powerful for the 1 install and 1 influence cost. —

This makes Eli very very sad. I suspect this card would make Eli much less popular. Sure, it's 3 influence so it probably won't be seen outisde anarch decks (although Ken with Planned Assault might consider it) but O&C would make anarchs much more popular.

If you're running with cutlery cards, Knifed is the best option to include. Here's why: —

Very good card for Kit.

Also should be considered in criminal, especially Ken (as the influence hit isn't that harsh) or Gabe (corp would likely to prefet good HQ defense). Either way, it's a good follow-up after Siphoning/Vamping the corp, leaving him unable to rez R&D ICE.

A good thing is that the ices dont need to be rezzed. —
I enjoy this card in Nasir. My first turn use to be install cards spending 5 credits, then code siphon... if corp rez ice, I gain credits; if corp doesn't rez, I install a program like D4v1D. Never losing. —

Awesome card. Consider this: It makes Woodcutter and Tyrand (and Salvage lol) bite the first time you rez them. Also, for the purpose of the ICE suite that cost 3c less to rez for each advancement counter on them, Satellite Grid is like a super Akitaro Watanabe.