Daily Casts: gains 8 credits in four turns
Data Folding: gains 8 credits in eight turns. Turns off when you start installing programs, unless you also spend credits and cards increasing your memory well beyond what you need for your rig.

Basically, don't play this card instead of Daily Casts. Probably don't play it in addition to Daily Casts unless you are playing a deck that will stall the game out incredibly long AND has excess MU (MemStrips or some sort of Ekomind combo)

Have to disagree with the above review slightly. Yes, daily casts is faster. It also turns off after 4 turns. Stacked data folding doesnt. I run a CT deck with both daily casts + data folding and 5c a turn was common, with a full breaker suite out. —
Data Folding isn't a standard economy card, so it's easy to write off. But the fact is, if you are playing a deck with an unusual rig setup (Dirty Hands Exile, Progenitor Noise, etc) or running cards with phantom mem tricks (Deep Red, Mem Strips), this card is a BEAST. If the trigger condition is not a concern, 1c drip every turn for the rest of the game is not small potatoes - and 2 or all 3 is next-level bonkers. The two caveats are real though: you must play it early and you must have the mem TO SPARE. Not be able to ignore if you have to, TO SPARE. Think of it as a 2 mem program - then the upside becomes that multiples dont hog any more mem but increase efficiency. Great niche card. —

This is a pretty tough sell. Even if a magical fairy summons a copy of the card from the aether into your HQ at the moment you're ready to install it, it's still challenging to make it pay off: it costs a click to install and a credit to rez, so you're breaking even when you've gotten 3 credits out of it and starting to make a profit when you've gotten four or more credits out of it. To do that, you have to stack the ice at least four deep on the server (you can only get three credits' value at most out of the first three pieces of ice). How often are you able to afford the time and cards to stack four ice on one server? Answer: not very often.

And in the meantime, you probably don't have a magical fairy to summon the card for you, so its trash cost of 1 makes R&D and HQ more vulnerable. At least it has a nice IT Crowd reference for flavor text.

You should probably this card away like yesterday's jam! —
Actually, you know, that doesn't really work, as a thing, because jam lasts for ages. —
I guess it's meant for blue sun, who might install ice in an outer layer a fair number of times. —
It's nice in RP to install taxing ice on your centrals--and if it's behind an unbroken RSVP, it can't be trashed. Overall though, I agree, in most cases it's not worth it. —
I'll admit I just recently thought about this card when pondering about ways to turn Amazon Industrial Zone into more credits in Blue Sun - the best benefit is gotten from bumping a single piece of ice up and down, but two pieces would make Amazon more secure. Just that the install cost chips away from the profit... I don't know if it's actually worth it, but it's a nice piece of jank in that particular scenario. —