While on its face this card may not appear to be the best (2 to trash is not exactly going to stand up to many runners) I actually think it has a place outside of NBN. My reasoning is as such: within NBN, a runner is simply more likely to face check a card than in Jinteki or Weyland. Snare!, Forced Connection, and others are all nasty surprises for an over aggressive runner. As such, I think Early Premiere has a chance to shine in Jinteki or Weyland decks that want to score out bigger support agendas (The Cleaners, Bacterial Programming, or the now banned SSL Endorsement). In addition, Jinteki and Weyland both have plentiful non-agenda targets for an extra advancement counter. Project Junebug and GRNDL Refinery are both great targets for an extra advancement counter here and there. Last but not least, this asset plays quite well with Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within, as it can allow for some aggressive agenda counter placement should the runner fail to make a run. As with many cards in Netrunner, Early Premiere should not be in every deck. But, it provides enough functionality to support the strategy of several different potential decks.