Pineapple jank and green cheese 3-2 at Crown of Server 2024

Diogene 4240

This deck was piloted by Odonuvo at CoS 2024.

Me and Odonuvo built this deck. It is based on the girls deck.

The team went to the tournament to play janky decks. Our theme was to use one snare in each corp deck and to use soon to be rotated runner identity along with Build Script. Since I could not come to World 2024 due to life events, I helped by testing the decks and providing feedback, which helped tune the decks for each team member.

The team was named Pineapple, jank and cheese, because of the pineapple on pizzas is a canadian theme that fit with California. The team members were :

  • Odonuvo
  • SirLoathing
  • Scantrell

Here are the teams were faced :

  • Hot Dog Time Machine (12-6)
  • Worst Esâ Cosplay Ever (3-15)
  • We Do Not Listen to Slumscast (6-12)
  • Muntal Blast (9-9)
  • Send The Run (12-6)

I personnaly think there should be prize in the CoS event for jank and originality. To encourage the tradition of playing themed decks at CoS.

Thanks to all participants and special thanks for the amazing organization done by Null Signal Game for the whole event.
