The popularity of Enhanced Login Protocoll shows just how powerful the requirement of an additional click to make a run can be. Ruhr Valley does the same thing, but as a region only on the server it is in, which can be difficult to deal with. Add to that it is expensive to rez, and it must be rezzed before the runner begins a run (potentially leaving the corp with too little to rez ICE on that server).
That is what gives Ruhr Valley a severe drawback, one that may not be countered by the drawbacks Currents like ELP have. It has some interesting possibilities, especially again with cards like Brain-Taping Warehouse and Ryon Knight, but the six rez cost is so hard to get going with still floating enough credits to make ICE possible to be rezzed. It could make for an interesting situation with ELP out at the same time however, though that is a bit of anti synergy with Brain-Taping.