Whenever you rez a card (including this asset), place 1 power counter on this asset.
[click], hosted power counter: Gain 3[credit].
[click], 5 hosted power counters: Gain 6[credit]. Add 1 installed resource to the top of the stack.
Startup Card Pool |
Standard Card Pool |
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Printings |
Can the Corp use Working Prototype’s second ability if there are no installed resources, in order to gain 6 for a single ?
Yes. 👍
No need for Sadaka in my Haas deck anymore, say goodbye to The Twinning, Asmund Pudlat, Amelia Earhart, Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga, Aesop’s Pawnshop, Pauleʼs Café, Urban Art Vernissage, or simply just installed Daily Casts and Earthrise Hotel. Even in decks without derez supports, this card is good as an econ card like Regolith Mining License.
Top three economy engine card for Haas-Bioroid. Rez it and get a net 2. In any asset spam deck, it is fairly easy to get 5 rezzed card (including itself), allowing you to get 6 AND taking out a resource from the runner. Slowing the runner AND getting a big amount of credits (6 for one , nothing better).
Again, at 2 influence, this can be splashed easily out of faction. Even non asset spam will like it. Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance can do a lot with it, so does Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center.
Amazing art! Good quote! Great name! Incredible effect! Should be played more often. Well done devs!