Love & Peace Kabonesa

ValkyriezGaming 419

Basic premise is to use the Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker ability with a turn one or two Peace in Our Time to get two Rezeki installed whilst setting up Aniccam and Daily Casts, no surprises there. I'm relatively new to Shaper, but I've found that you can use the Kabonesa ability to bring out Study Guide, Spec Work it and then pop a Simulchip to re-install it for free. Or you can just Self-modifying Code it your if you have the economy for it.

Stimhack with Pelangi to get Study Guide to strength 5 ideally so that you can get through most ice cheaply.

The draw engine is from the 2x Diesel in addition to the console draw.

Rebirth into Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman when you can to really leverage Spooned and pressure the centrals and building counters on The Turning Wheel for deep digs. I like to use Khusyuk for a 5-6 card look, force the shuffle, then go back in with The Maker's Eye and spend counters for a 5 - 6 card dig.

Disclaimer, I haven't actually played the deck with Study Guide as yet, as I have been using Gordian Blade (as a carry over from a Modded format deck with Chaos Theory: Wünderkind ) but I think it's a solid replacement especially with Stimhack to help pay for the counters you will need.

Harmony AR Therapy is in there as a 2x to recycle those high impact events as the stack gets smaller and as some protection from the grindy damage decks.

Khusyuk for 2c installs, the second The Turning Wheel could be a Hunting Grounds.

I can't say the decks any good, as I'm not a very good pilot. At times it runs fast and rich and recycling spooned, makers eye, legwork, khusyuk and laundry back into a small stack feels good, and at other times I feel like I'm playing solitaire to set up because I'm risk adverse when I play Shaper. By the time I'm "ready" the Corp is too far ahead.

Oh, and the Ika and Gauss are mainly influence savers. They are ok when you need them, but Pelangi and Study Guide are more efficient. The second Spooned used to be a Bravado, but I just couldn't settle on what to cut/leave.

Looking for feedback, someone better than me to pilot this out and report back. I'll be spending the next two weeks trying to get in as many games as possible, I'd appreciate any feedback anyone has.

Note- slight mistake. I've got 1x Misdirection in leiu of the 3rd Harmony AR Therapy.


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