Near-Earth Combos

demonsquirrel 2

Fast advance + Combo!

Accelerated Diagnostics, Power Shutdown and Interns are for the combo. Power Shutdown and Interns are just generally useful anyway. Most of the time you'd save the Shutdowns for the combo. Interns you actually need in Archives (or R&D). You can't go off with it in HQ so go ahead and play it to get back a SanSan/Jackson/Pad (and draw a card in the process).

Agendas are pretty standard. Astroscripts because duh. Beale because duh and also combo. Breaking News to make straight FA more viable. NAPD to pad it out.

Going to the new agenda means we can afford 2 Biotic Labors. This should make it slightly more consistent. Shipment from SanSan is just amazing. Necessary for the combo but basically is the MVP of the whole deck. Got a SanSan unrezzed but only on 6 credits? Go ahead and score the Astro with a Shipment. Got an Astrotoken and ZERO credits? Score your next one with Shipment. Similarly, 5 credits to Biotic Labor score.

Sweeps Week is for money. Will pretty much play it if the Runner has 3 or more cards. PAD Campaign and Marked Accounts are to synergise with the Identity. In this deck they are equivalent to just clicking to draw (which you would do anyway) but can also gain you money (and waste the Runner clicks). Need to play-test to determine the trade-off between Marked Accounts and Hedge Fund. This deck operates at low credits (sorry Syphon) so Hedge Fund isn't always useful, but it might be better to run 3 of them compared to Marked Accounts, we'll see.

Might want to include Fast Track, but unsure at this stage.

For the ICE, we're going pretty light. I hardly ever ice up the remote, hoping to eventually have a SanSan stay on the board (unrezzed) for one turn to be able to start scoring (or use Biotic), but it could be useful to put an Eli in front of it to make it more expensive for the runner. Ultimately though, the identity draws cards from new servers, so we don't want to install cards behind existing ICE, we want to install them afresh. Guard, Chimera, Quandary and Wraparound are if we feel inclined to try and force through an agenda the old fashioned way, or if we really need to ICE up HQ/R&D early game. Eli 1.0, Tollbooth and Pop-up Window are to make our centrals at least a little taxing.

With all the cards going to be installed, the Runner can't afford to sit back and only run centrals, so they'll be spending clicks and often a bit of money. We draw a tonne of cards so we can always get fresh stuff from R&D, and things move through HQ so quickly (or get tossed into Archives and then Jackson'd) that the Runner needs to always be on their toes. With so many options you should be able to delay the end-game until you've got some good stuff going on. Then you combo =D (or I guess just win normally even)