[ETERNAL] Tucanium 1.1

Jai 2910

The updated version of Tucana Skorp that I built for Phase 2 of ESL (live on Sunday 7pm UTC for the next 3 weeks!). It went 2-1 in Phase 2, beating DD Hayley and Sifrsite Whizz and losing to WT Wu (but even in that loss there were absolute scenes, I tell you what)

now isn't that the most beautiful RFG area you've ever seen

Runner side was my beloved Reg Andy, beating IG and Vanity CI, and losing to Vanity CI. The crim vs CI matchup allegations had to come back round at some point...

I doubt I'll be posting my Phase 3 Skorp; I definitely overcooked and made it worse, so expect this to be the final word on the topic for the foreseeable future, but I do hope that I've left the archetype in a better place than where it started. Though you can expect to see my Phase 3 runner cook posted after the whole thing ends!

The biggest change you can see is that we've gone to 49 cards. I really wanted to jam Eminents back in here for a number of reasons (we'll get to that), but I couldn't see a way to do it without compromising on small agenda slots (or counter-currrents) and stay on 44. Not to mention that we still needed to fix the econ issues that were so apparent in the last build.

Secondly, the influence and point spread. I'm happy to report that after 5 minutes of looking at the Eternal Points List while not in a deckbuilding frenzy, I decided to include possibly the most broken recursion card in Netrunner history, Friends in High Places. It resets Border Control, Batty, and Regolith, is good into ice destruction matchups which is a notable point of failure for rigshooter decks, and lets Eminent's expend text double as an econ card with no downside!

(It has to be said; this is almost certainly the most load-bearing Regolith that the Eternal format has ever seen, but the jury is still out on whether that or NGO Front is the better fit in that slot. More testing is needed to see which card fits the deck's tempo better.)

Cutting a Batty in a Friends deck is kinda sus, but I really wanted to test Tucana>Tributary lines, and it ended up being decent in its value generation and being a general aggression deterrent. It's entirely possible that Batty is still the overall superior choice, though the amount of utility that Trib provides from being tutorable is quite significant as well.

Lastly, it would be remiss of me to not mention Corporate Town; it fights Clan Vengeance well and is a reasonable Eminent target, and even manually drawing it in this deck isn't the end of the world. Shoutout to Baa Ram Wu for this and many other deck slot suggestions and debates!

That's about it for this one, friendos! The ESL title race is heating up, and win or lose I certainly hope to have put on a good show for the fans at the end of it all. Perfect timing for going into Elevation scoops season too. 36 days until Elevation's release; stay strong and don't get desperate enough to play toxic-ass decks like I did (though Eternal fuckin slaps and you definitely should try it).

SHAABR friendos (always be rigshooting)

Jai out

19 Mar 2025 Council

Looks like Christmas

19 Mar 2025 Jai

my brother in tucana it's March

19 Mar 2025 jan tuno

i guess christmas came early this year

19 Mar 2025 anarchomushroom

holy shit you're telling me there's a league that plays eternal every week? and i can watch it live?? at 7PM UTC???

20 Mar 2025 Silent Arbiter

Expanding an Eminent and reinstalling it with Friends feels dope, ngl

20 Mar 2025 Supernaut

You know anyone else playing this deck I might have second thoughts about them but, you managed to make it feel reasonable.