Soylent Green

StainedBlack 2

I've been playing a variation this deck since Mass Commercialization was spoiled. It's taken some getting use to and tweaking and does have a few common glaring weaknesses, but I haven't had this much fun with Netrunner.

The goal is to go slow. Your id ability is an early aggression deterrent. You want to be able to control the flow of the game by building up your glacier then setting up your Biotic Labor / Red Planet Couriers combo. You need time to maintain your credit level and slowly advance ice.

You don't need a scoring remote, only an annoying enough server to protect Sandburg. With Mass Commercialization giving you between 6-14 credits regularly and being shuffled back in you should be sitting above 30 credits by mid game. When everything goes your way 50+ is the norm.

Hortum and Colossus are mvps. Hortum stops Eater, Faust, and Mammon which is invaluable. It also puts a halt to that janky Dues Ex + Adjusted Matrix deck that's been going around lately. Colossus gives the conspiracy breakers a little trouble and is very taxing. Bloodletter is surprising, especially agaisnt an early Temujin on archives. They'll normally let it fire for money then regret it later.

This deck is very weak to common archetypes. A lucky Leela can ruin your day, but you can try to score out Government Takeover first. Smoke is generally about 50/50. You can win if you get Sandburg online or advance a Fire Wall above what they can handle. Anarchs are trouble, particularly ice destruction with Spooned/Forked/Knifed/Parasite. Noise can be tough to keep up with and Imp is very strong. An early Maw can be a loss as well. Blackmail has been seeing a bit of play in my experience and we just lose to it. At least we don't care about Whizzard or Aneas Informant.

Thoughts and possible changes: I toyed with Anson Rose early in development and he just never lasted long enough to matter in most games. Shipment from Kaguya is generally better for your ID and econ. I can see argument for switching High-Risk Investment and The Cleaners for Graft to tutor out your combo. But High Risk has been useful for Sandburg and The Cleaners is good to mitigate aggression. If Government Takeover gets stolen you still have a decent win with Vanity Project + a 5/3. I've also thought about Executive Boot Camp to circumvent Blackmail, Run Amok, and Leela but haven't thought it was worth the deck slot. There's argument for Fast track but I haven't found I needed it with my slow methodical glacier.