Where does it go? 1.1

OneFabric 98

Edit [1.1]: Removed 2 x Aggressive Secretary in favor of 1 x Caprice Nisei and an extra Biotic Labor; Caprice should help with an agenda flood that seems more likely than not, and the extra Biotic Labor will hopefully help with rushing out 3/1 agendas.

The goal is to flatline the runner by forcing him / her / other to run on the server ( ideally, Archives ) with Cell Portal and other net damage dealing ice.

If it seems unlikely that the runner will run on that server, use An Offer You Can't Refuse to gain agenda points; Jackson Howard ensures a steady supply of An Offer You Can't Refuse to ensure victory.

Card choices: Biotic Labor is to fast advance 3/1 agendas. Unorthodox Predictions ( making code gates unbreakable ) can be combined with An Offer You Can't Refuse to gain Agenda points or flatline the runner.

Susanoo-No-Mikoto can on R&D and HQ can suggest runs on archives, which combined with a Whirlpool can chain the runner into death. Labyrinthine Servers, if scored, can ensure the runner from not jacking out, while Aggressive Secretary and Chronos Project can help mitigate against the runner having good decoders or AI.

Caveats: D4v1d can easily break through Cell Portal. Femme Fatale and Security Nexus can bypass Cell Portal. Also, Escher will really damage the setup had so far.

If it seems unlikely that the runner will not be entering a deathly loop, the best chance for victory is to score out fast through ICE strength and using An Offer You Can't Refuse on Archives.

1 Mar 2016 GrantZilla1979

An Offer You Can't Refuse basically reads "Corp gets an Agenda Point." I don't see you getting to 6 points to turn on the 'must run' part of it on. Medical Breakthrough can be an enabler there, to make the early Offers hurt more.

I think a Tenma Line is needed here. Also, the only way Unorthodox Predictions works with Biotic Labor AND An Offer You Can't Refuse is if it isn't checked by the runner - Biotic, Score, Play Offer. I kind of don't see this deck having the economy to both make a turn like that and have enough credits for rezzing the painful loop ICE.

Truth be told, the most reliable way to make those painful subs stick is your old in-faction friend Marcus Batty.

1 Mar 2016 OneFabric

Thanks for commenting @GrantZilla1979! I am new to competitive deck building, so please bear with me while I ask you some questions.

What did you mean by "...see you getting to 6 points to turn on the 'must run' part of it on."? Why would I have to 6 points for that card? Is there something I'm missing?

I agree about Tenma Line...I am not sure how it works though....For example, Can the corp switch a piece of ICE two levels down a server with a single piece of ice on a remote?

I fear you're right about the comboniation with Biotic Labor, Unorthodox Predictions and An Offer You Can't Refuse. I'll have to think about it.

I forgot about Marcus Batty. Thanks!

Thanks again!!

1 Mar 2016 GrantZilla1979

The way An Offer You Can't Refuse plays out in practice is that very few, if any, Runners are going to take the Offer and run your ICE'd up jank server knowing they can't jack out, especially with unknown ICE unrezzed and ostensibly the Corp with enough cash to rez scary things.

The exception to this, of course, is when the Corp is sitting at 6 Agenda points and Refusing will hand the Corp the win. The Runner 'must run' in that scenario, or lose.

Braintrust is good for Jinteki not for it's ability, which almost never gets used, but because it's a 3/2. Medical Breakthrough starts out as a 4/2, then becomes a 3/2 and a 2/2 if enough are scored/stolen. You want to give up the 2 points to the runner, that makes scoring the second and third easier.

If you score six points, the Runner HAS to take your offer. That's the only time it ever gets accepted from what I've witnessed.

And yes, Tenma Line reads "swap any two pieces of installed ICE." Position doesn't matter. Take this one and that one and swap places. It's a very under-used upgrade, and a must-kill for the Runner if you are leaning on positional ICE.

2 Mar 2016 OneFabric

Hello @GrantZilla1979! Thanks for explaining about An Offer You Can't Refuse, and for the remaining explanations as well! I appreciate it.

I tested this deck out yesterday, and it didn't work very well. I I am hearing that this kind of deck almost never works.

Some mistakes I made: I missed that An Offer You Can't Refuse doesn't go back to the archives after it is added as an agenda point. Also, Labyrinthine Servers is almost too heavy to be scored well, and can easily hand a winner to the runner.

It seems that this deck has three main challenges: how to not let the runner jack out, how to not let him / her / other break the Cell Portal subroutine, have ice in the right position and have enough money to boot.

I'll keep looking at this deck. Do let me know if you have more advice.
