Aniccam Crew Hosh (Circuit Breaker 2025)

Kikai 2947

1st at CBI 2025

2-2 in Swiss, 3-0 in the Top Cut

Wins vs zombiak (BCP Azmari), AlPi (Glacier Ob), Aruzan (NEH), pouchoflavendar (Facet Ob), Amarum (Facet Ob).

Losses vs pouchoflavendar (Facet Ob), J0N4LD (MCAAP Ob).

With thanks and love to the Tournament Organisers and to everyone who stayed up into the middle of the night to play a children's card game on the internet with their friends. Special shout out to 🏅EA sports🏅 for being just a great bunch of people to drink beer and play netrunner with. Extra special thanks to not_yeti for getting the train to Cambridge to coach me through my Ob tilt.

This is a modified version of the Aniccam Crew Hosh list that OF15-15 and TorpedoTyrus played at the New Years Showdown.

For a lot of players, the NY Showdown was the last opportunity to get a CBI invite, and to test the meta before playing in the CBI. I played against TorpedoTyrus at this tournament, and was both surprised and impressed by their Crew Hosh variant. Once I emotionally recovered from the shock of being hit by Eye for an Eye, I realised that Aniccam and Lago solved the draw issue that we had been having in Patchwork Crew Hosh, without opening us up to server lock outs (because we can play Bankhar).

I had played nothing but Bankhar Steve since EMEA 2024, but I was underwhelmed with how Steve performed at NY Shodown, and found that I was more interested to play this list (with some changes) instead.


+1 Tread Lightly / -1 Pinhole Threading

Tread Lightly is just a fancy pinhole threading that can sometimes steal you agendas. Play it, or swap it back for Pinhole, whatever you prefer.

+1 Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra / -1 Fencer Fueno

Fencer is a tech card for assets, where Hannah is just generally a good card that also happens to be tech for assets. You could make an argument for Fencer charging Twinning but, unless I've missed something in the meta that makes Fencer consistent (Ikawah? Skunk?), I would take some convincing.

+1 Liberated Account / -1 Wildcat Strike

It wasn't immediately obvious, but I get why Wildcat Strike was in the original list--we want something to do on our off turn that advances our board state. Liberated doesn't trigger aniccam, and can't be played with maemi money, but otherwise it fulfills this purpose super well (better than Wildcat Strike I think).

+1 Leech / -1 Wildcat Strike

Something that we learned pretty early on in testing Patchwork Crew Hosh was that the value in playing the 3rd leech was super high, both for consistency in seeing the 1st leech and because stacking 2 (or even 3) leeches is just super good in this deck.

Wildcat Strike was the 45th card. Cutting both Wildcats means that we have to be careful with how we manage our Maemi, but I'm okay with that sort of play.

+1 Light the Fire! / -1 Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye is very good, but it's not necessarily critical to our game plan, so we are usually okay losing it to incidental net damage (and the games where we aren't we don't want to take incidental net damage anyway, because those are the games where we need to hold Steelskin). So, in conclusion, playing 1x is fine.

Light the fire is awkward. Unfortunately, the matchup where it is most effective (blanking Mavirus in Ob), is also the matchup where it is the most difficult to play (because of Border Control). But it improves our PD matchup, and has some other utility, and, most importantly, it is a way of challenging the remote and flipping down Hoshiko at the same time in the same turn (because we don't actually access any cards).

If you cut LtF then you should probably also swap the Tread Lightly back to Pinhole Threading.

Tournament Afterthoughts

If you had asked me before the CBI what I thought the best runner deck was I would have said "Mulch", but in both Swiss and the Top Cut at CBI it felt like Corps were more prepared to respond to Audry and Botulus than they were to Crew.

I think this was (and is) probably correct--I think that Mulch is the bigger threat overall--but this emphasises the point that playing a deck that you enjoy is more important than playing "the best deck".

28 Jan 2025 TorpedoTyrus

Thanks for the shoutout and big congratulation on the win! Super cool to see the deck concept to its fullest potential!

Fencer is def a flex slot and Hannah reasonable! Fencer performed quite well into ASA and Sports and works with Cupellation too, but Hannah solves a different but important role in Asset heavier matchups!

We expected no Weyland at NYS, yet I think a third Leech is a must, but I like the change.

Tread and Liberated are a bit more experimental for my taste, but great they worked for you!

Hope we play again live in 2025!