Gaze into the Spoon

onehp 7

The plan is to get pretty much all the agendas out of R+D. To that end you want to use Spooned and Same Old Thing to ensure there's at most one piece of ice over that server.

Mulligan for Magnum Opus or Self-modifying Code as you need a big pile of money.

You want that money for face checking ice using Study Guide. If there's a chance they can put an Archer out you'll need 16 if you've not boosted Study Guide at all yet. It seems like a lot but once you've boosted it you're mostly paying peanuts to get through.

Get at least one Plascrete Carapace installed if there's a threat of being scorched and just float tags the rest of the time. The only resource you have that's going to stick around to get trashed is Symmetrical Visage.

Cerberus "Lady" H1 and Mimic are there to hopefully get you through if they manage to keep re-icing R+D.

It's not a particularly solid deck but it is fun to play, especially when you get both R&D Interface out and play The Maker's Eye to rip two or three agendas out in one run.