The Most Boring Runner Deck to Play Against

shazzner 837

This is Noise solitaire deck that everyone was worried was going to ruin Netrunner, in my tests offline it works pretty well.

Simply put, install viruses/resources every turn and never run, unless a 3-point agenda can be had. Try to install two viruses every turn on Shazz, pawn them at the start, maybe take credits off liberated account. Get the source out asap and infiltrate any installed card being advanced, grab any three-pointers you can with crypsis (mimic is there for swordsman and corroder for better efficiency). The corp will catch on pretty quickly and just install and make money, and possibly wall up archives. A surge on crypsis can get you through four pieces of ice plus a stimhack.

If it seems impossible, no worries, with The Source out and constant milling they usually won't be scoring enough to win. Two Levy ARs will guarantee decking the corp unless they're playing the Collective (good thing they lost!).

Shoutouts to Hard at Work for inspiring this deck, too bad it isn't even worth it to be included.
1 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

Doesn't really mill fast enough. My solitaire deck mills faster and it doesn't even mill quick enough. I'm so glad these decks aren't really viable. I think the corp can screw over the source by scoring 1 agenda, certainly there will be a window in which they can score at least one....

2 Dec 2013 shazzner

Checking out your deck, I might consider JoshB + City Hall as in addition to this. The Source makes even 2-1 agendas snipe-able with infiltrations and with AR recursions it comes back pretty often. I notice that you include parasites in yours, I didn't add any to this as I'm never running and I focus on cheap viruses with more AR resets than having 3x Crypsii for example.