[Speedrunning Startup] Lonely Magical Girl

pouchsurfer 335

This list was developed for the stream "Speed Running the Startup format", Sanjay and my attempt to set a world record by winning a game with each of the Startup runner IDs with only 20 minutes per ID. Check out the stream here on Saturday, July 2nd, 1 PM EST.

Hoshiko's core theme, both lore- and gameplay-wise, is the contrast between the Natural and Digital sides of her ID. For this list, I really wanted to lean into the lore and try a very thematic yet underused card, Isolation. The list is resource-heavy, to leverage all of our companions. When any of the resource companions become either too costly too maintain or unnecessary, we can turn Isolation to cut our losses and make a profit. Smartware Distributor is mostly Isolation fodder, giving us 5 credits (or 8 with a loaded Maemi and untriggered Keiko) for 2. Our Icebreaker suite relies on us having 3+ installed virtual resources, so we need to make sure to keep a couple friends around (+ DreamNet).