Yet Another PD (5-2 at Worlds 2021)

bowlsley 673

This is much the same as any other PD lists you've seen elsewhere. I started with Rotom's list from Euros, squeezed in another Void at the expense of a Border Control, dropped Tithe (which is extremely sad in a world where PAD Tap exists), bumped it back up to 3 Tranquilities, and called it a day.

During the tournament I managed to out-pace one Apocalypse Anarch by winning on turn 6, hold off another with Crisium and BC, lost to a cutlery Maxx, ground out wins against a Steve and an Az and then lost in the last round to Mike P's Steve, in a game where he had to run the same void remote about 20 times before eventually getting in.

The second Void felt great, as I was able to hold my remote steady for quite a long time in my games against crim, despite often being on sod all money.

Finished 56th overall, with an 8-6 record. Pretty pleased with that, considering I started at 1-3 and came within a credit or two of making the tiebreaker on Sunday. Thanks to everyone I played, and to NISEI for putting another excellent tournament together.