Prior to this point, Ice Analyzer has seen little play, because, as mentioned by earlier reviews, it is not only a niche card, but one that, at some some point, will become useless, when all the programs are installed.
However, the appearance of Khan: Savvy Skiptracer's breakers changes that. With Golden's and Peregrine's (and, presumably, the Fracter's) ability to derez the corresponding ice for 2 and returning themselves to grip, there now potentially could be a rig that never finishes installing all of its programs.
Of course, the Khan breakers are expensive, with install costs of 5 normally, or 4 if Khan passes an ICE first). Consequently, their derez ability synergizes powerfully with Ice Analyzer. Were one to have 3 installed, each reinstall would only cost 2, and the Corp would be subsidizing the remaining 60% by re-rezzing the ICE.
Throw in some additional derez cards, and maybe something like LLDS Processor, and there'd be a decent-strength criminal ICEbreaker suite that could do serious economic damage and still get in anywhere.