I love the flavor here. I'm not a biologist at all, so I'll sum it up in my own words. Haruko Obokata, stylish, brilliant, young, lead the research for stem cells and claimed to have found an easy way to somehow manufacture stem cells - an important thing in cloning. This was made by putting cells under heavy stress, like putting them in an acid bath. The cells were called STAP cells. But Obokata fell off grace when researchers found this to be a scientific fraud and the following scandal even drove her mentor into suicide. The experiments were manipulated, data flawed and images photoshopped.
Flavor text on this card is awesome, mixing the Obokata scandal from 2014 with the grim and noir tone we love so much in Netrunner - especially in Jinteki. And indeed, eating 4 net damage sets runners under heavy stress and they likely change their strategy.
Re Haruko, she took a really big gamble, especially considering others (Dr. Yamanaka) had already discovered ways to "reset" cells. Same as putting this agenda in a remote,
— m4trix87then finding out the Runner plays a Dr. Nuka, clicks twice and runs the remote....
— m4trix87