One of Each (117th at Worlds 2023)

BinkBonkle 134

Here's the Hosh pile I took to Worlds. tl;dr take Bridgeman's ICC list, pack some tech and try to improve rush matchups. I'll briefly talk about some slots, feel free to ask anything in the comments.

Marrow got a slot because of Kill NEH; on the day I still died to NEH the one time I ran into it (58% to win that spot with 7 cards in hand and 1 steelskin) but it saved me in an extremely tight Prana PE game and I don't regret slotting it into such a wide field.

Mayfly was an idea from Charlie that immediately made sense to me as an anti-rush tool that also comes in clutch in some otherwise desperate spots. It's very expensive but being able to straightforwardly convert money into a surprise remote access felt great on the day.

Boomerang vindicated by Sokka xD

Gachapon and The Price balance was tricky, 2x Gachapon and 1x Price might be better. I went with 3x Gachapon for more deck filtering and because I never wanted to mill my Pinhole with The Price.

Pinhole Threading got me a couple of T1 Rashidas which is pretty great.

Thanks to the team for a great year of netrunner, can't wait for next season.