[Startup Liberation] Piranhas

james123lui 296


Make card advantage a real thing in Netrunner! In Liberation we get quite some new synergies for having cards in HQ:

The Holo Man is the star of the 3+3+1 point scoring plan, enabling never-advance 5/3 and fast-advance 3/1 agendas. One can use Snare! to protect him too!

Deck idea

Against the runner:

For the econ to support our costly ICE and advancements:

Piloting the deck

Build 2 remotes, one for scoring and another for Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán early, which will be replaced with B-1001 or Holo-Snare later.

To make full use of Your Digital Life, it's not uncommon to overdraw. If a YDL is in hand, it might be worth it to draw 2 cards with R+ or pop a Predictive Planogram. Don't be afraid to discard an Oracle Thinktank early if econ is scarce.

This deck taxes clicks more effectively than credits, so while rezzing a Piranhas for a tag may sound nice, a bad pub is usually acceptable to take too. There is no need to chase building a Ping->Piranhas remote just to avoid bad pubs.

Some thoughts regarding matchups:

29 Mar 2024 Kelann08

Love this write up and this deck looks like a ton of fun. I'm going to give it a go at a SSS event tomorrow. Thanks!

26 Sep 2024 Lou Lockman

@Uno) Online, come in and see the card you've always wanted, it's very interesting, right?