Beanstalk Immigration Office v1.0 (Nisei Standard)

miaxari 131


The public notification board proudly proclaimed:

'All travel between the off world nations and Earth has been subjected to new border control laws. Many citizens will be expected to submit to extensive interviews before they are able to travel via the beanstalk.'

Jesminder sighed heavily... how long was this going to take...


So I just received some physical prints of the championship cards and while looking at Timely Public Release and Border Control I noticed a very nice synergy. I've also been looking for an excuse to play Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future again for quite a long time and with TPR using agenda counters THIS was IT.

The key components:

  • Use Timely Public Release to recur Border Control twice to stop the runner from getting in - almost anywhere.
  • Add Excalibur (which will soon be restricted, hence no Surveyor) to prevent the runner from re-running remotes
  • Fast advance Project Atlas and use tokens to grab more copies of BC or fast advance and then use TPR or Advanced Assembly Lines to install BC to further shut out the runner
  • Team Sponsorship helps recur even more useful cards (mostly BC)
  • Make sure that the remote has some taxing ICE on it that the runner has to get through before hitting BC

Other Notes

  • I'm pretty certain you can't use TPR if the runner has passed all ICE or if the server has no ICE so make sure to use it early
  • AAL cannot be used during the run and can only install in the out-most position so it's really just a last ditch effort, it would probably be one of the first cards I would remove, perhaps it should swap for some more taxing ICE or different economy, mostly it's just a trick card
  • Reverse Infection is there to try and slowdown Aumakua