Retaliation Guaranteed v0.6.2 (ChkDisk April 2015, York)

nadinengland 7

So I came 14/16th with with getting (if I remember correctly) 4 of a possible 10 wins: 2 as the corp, 2 as the runner.

General Notes

  • I added 2x Gemini for this and didn't draw a single one so I cannot comment on actual their effectiveness. However, given that all the runners were terrified of losing cards through damage, I would imagine at 3 to rez they would have been a welcome addition to the servers.

What Didn't Work

  • Although this wasn't the worse thing in the world, the Agenda spread was troubling when I had lost tempo. I really felt the struggle on needing three turns to score a 5/3 when all I actually needed was 2 points. As such, the next iteration will very likely contain 2 more copies of Project Atlas in place of 1 Government Contracts. Three turns to score an agenda is sometimes impossible.

What Did Work

Changes to make next

All in all I was very happy with how it performed, I just need more practice :)