
dupl3x 50

An attempt to leverage London Library with Chameleon. Hayley seemed like a natural fit. LLDS Processor is an obvious choice (one that I managed to miss in my first iteration of this deck.. duh). Net-Ready Eyes might also be a handy boost where needed.

The economy of the deck is almost purely Magnum Opus based, with the standard 3x Sure Gamble (which could probably be removed) and 2x Sahasrara to assist a bit with manual Chameleon installs. The hope is that you'd install the first Chameleon on London Library, then fire the second out on the same click using Hayley's ability. Of course, if you have Autoscripter out, you'll just end up getting that click back, making it easy to install the 3rd Chameleon if needed.

The console choice is Box-E to help both on the MU front, and on the "I need space in my hand to store all of these Chameleon's" front.

An opening hand would optimally have an Opus and hopefully a Chameleon or a tutor. You can pretty easily apply early pressure with Chameleon (especially if you find a London Library early) since most servers will only likely have a single piece of ICE.

Dig is provided by 2x R&D Interface and 2x Legwork. No room for Same Old Thing, so use those Legworks sparingly.

Also of note is the fact that the deck sports a "backup" breaker suite. Femme Fatale, and ZU.13 Key Master ensure that in a pinch, you can get where you need to go. A single D4v1d helps with the really big stuff, and an Inti is meant to trivialize Wraparound and other low-strength walls.

Potential Improvements: - I'd like to have more draw.
- I typically like running a Parasite with Datasucker but didn't feel like it was as necessary in this build. - Net-Ready Eyes might be superfluous but could also be an extra opportunity to give Chameleon an early boost to that all-too important strength 4. Needs to be tested.