Ats0lute Zero

CodeMarvelous 20021

I figured I might as well contribute to the Sifr doomsaying with my own entry.

Here is what I will be testing when my copy of Quorum arrives today.

13 Jan 2017 weylandcon

Do you need 3 Sifr? Multiples are dead and that's a hefty influence hit. Could you skate by with 2, since you still have a normal breaker suite before it comes online?

13 Jan 2017 Saan

I had a similar deck. You really can be just fine with only 2 Sifr. What I did in order to keep 3x Temujin (and why nerf yourself on money if you don't have to) was to play Chameleon over Mimic. That plus only 2 Sifr helps a lot cash-wise. Sentries are then dealt with using either Chameleon, Atman, or Parasite. Other than that (unsurprisingly), we ended up in a fairly similar place.

13 Jan 2017 CodeMarvelous

@Saan I am worried about chameleon eating my money and clicks

13 Jan 2017 CodeMarvelous

@weylandconMaybe I need to test

13 Jan 2017 victorygames

@CodeMarvelous are you going to test it on codebusting stream? I so look forward to those...even though I can never watch them live :(

13 Jan 2017 CodeMarvelous

@victorygames This or some variant therein will likely be my codebusting deck this week.

13 Jan 2017 fetish

Just to make it explicit - the idea is Atman @ 0, with parasite and datasucker to bring 2nd/3rd Ice down to 0. I'm wondering why you want this out of shaper rather than Anarch where you can spam Datasucker/Parasite much more freely? You might also want Ice Carver?

14 Jan 2017 EnderA

@fetish Shaper gets Clone Chips for 1 influence, Self-modifying Code, Test Run, plus potentially Scavenge and Levy AR Lab Access, as well as possibly enabling Clot lock. Anarch gets Déjà Vu and 3x Parasite. Basically, Shaper does instant speed Parasite better without really sacrificing recursion ability, mostly at the cost of not getting Whizzard: Master Gamer credits and being more vulnerable to Ark Lockdown/Enforcing Loyalty.

If you expect lots of Fast Advance, Shaper with Clot is better. If you expect lots of asset spam, Whizzard is better. On that note, I would suggest dropping Mimic and one Sifr, replacing with Chameleon (like @Saan suggested) and Clot. I'd also consider dropping Film Critic and Misdirection for 2 Paricia to hedge against asset spam. Misdirection is really only good versus Hard-Hitting News since it takes 2 clicks to use (along with a deck slot, a MU, and an install. Meanwhile I don't think Midseason Replacements or The Future Perfects are a problem since glacier is dead. Replacing Plascrete Carapace with Sports Hopper would also help vs CTM and IG49. Fitting a couple Sacrificial Constructs in would protect Sifr from Enforcing Loyalty and make Clot a complete lock, but the rest of the slots are very tight.

Managing influence is hard when 9 is eaten up by Sifrs, Clone Chips, Datasucker, and Parasite.