A LOSt cause?

Grimmaggro 26

Trying to make the khan breakers work! This deck would probably be better with, dare I say it, Khan? But I needed that 3 extra influence for Ice Analyzer.

28 Mar 2017 Crauseon

I did the same first with Andy Rebirthing into Leela, then changed to Leela proper and switched Ice Analyzer with London Library (which is fun with Career Fair). Every time I felt I needed more draw, and more draw for consistency. Not drawing into a bird is horrible.

I opted for 2x Aaron MarrĂ³n and 2x Blockade Runner, added a Hostage for extra draw, and in the final iteration added 3x Fisk Investment Seminar. That all on top of Special Order.

Forged Activation Orders is fun, but rarely saw play in my iteration. Try it out though! I kicked the rez-cost game up a notch by replacing Modded and Saharmander with Rook. It's great fun.

You might want to add Same Old Thing just for an extra boot in Siphons.

Leela's worked fine, but Los seems pretty nice for this strategy as well.

What I found was that you'll need to plant yourself into ICE face first, and it's not really fun to do. That's why I'm trying to find some room for Faerie, for the first time since... when, even? It seems like a great tool for some face planting to know when to deploy your chirp-chirpies.