Boat People

Lttlefoot 1285

Uses 1 Core set plus the Genesis cycle. Gabriel brings in extra money. Mr Li prevents drawing unnecessary multiples of cards. Scrubbers increase the speed you can dig through R&D. Kraken makes R&D slightly cheaper to access.

6 Feb 2015 Bananifier

Kraken is good in a deck where you can be fairly sure to get an agenda during a specific turn. This means that Kraken synergizes very well with Indexing, or even Woman in the Red Dress. I'm not certain it is good in your deck.

If you want to lower the price of R&D accesses, you might want to add Datasucker (instead of 1xXanadu). Datasucker is pretty good with your overall strategy and is a very good economy card. Besides, Datasucker is very good with Ninja and Peacock. You will not have the MU to install a full rig of breakers+sucker+sneakdoor, but you should not hesitate to trash Sneakdoor once 1-2 ices are installed on archives.

Lastly, I would consider adding the following cards to your deck:

I would consider cutting the following cards: