Big Bad Bioroids (Test v.1)

psi_lifeup 208

Bioroids are made cheap with Brain-Taping Warehouse and Executive Boot Camp. Then, they are made strong with the ID and Patch.

Heinlein Grid and Predictive Algorithm prevent stealing agendas without breaking Bioroids conventionally.

7 Apr 2015 Jashay

Patch is probably a bit heavy on the influece; you can get a similar effect with Lag Time or Experiential Data

Ash 2X3ZB9CY is also fantastic in these manner of decks.

I'm not sure your economy can handle Janus 1.0 and Heimdall 2.0; it might be worth swapping the Project Vitruvius for Accelerated Beta Test to try and sneak them out?

7 Apr 2015 psi_lifeup

@Jashay good points. I've already made some mods because EBC also doesn't combo with brain-taping. I don't want to swap in Lag Time because Predictive Algorithm is pretty pivotal, but Experiential Data might be a good choice. Not sure what to do with the influence though - currently I'm thinking -1 EBC and +1 Troll, then swapping -2 Heimdall, -1 Janus and -1 Hudson for +2 Enigma, +1 Ichi 1.0 and +1 of another Bioroid, maybe Ichi 2.0 or Markus.

7 Apr 2015 FourLeaf

Executive Boot Camp doesn't work with Brain-Taping Warehouse in case you thought it did. I think that might be why he is light on econ? It looks like he is relying on that combo of the two to reduce ice costs by 5. Just in case you were, runner clicks refill at the beginning of their turn and that combo flops hard.

If you're using that to find the Brain-Taping Warehouse or Jackson, etc that seems fine.

7 Apr 2015 FourLeaf

aaaaaand right as it refreshed, I see you say the combo doesn't work lol. GG

7 Apr 2015 psi_lifeup

@Four_Leaf yep. I think if I decide that asset tutoring is needed, Tech Startup would be the ideal solution. EBC is kind of a dud right now.

7 Apr 2015 FourLeaf

For influence consider the following options:

SanSan City Grid, Inazuma, Daily Business Show, Celebrity Gift, Tollbooth, Caprice Nisei, Cortex Lock

Definitely improve your economy. One thing that @Jashay and I both know is that ST ice is expensive to rez and then they can click through it. You need a double layer asap on R&D when you see a R&D Interface and it isn't cheap.

I suggest 9-12 economy cards, a mix of event and asset based. Sitting at 6 isn't enough, even after the pseudo credits from Brain-Taping Warehouse

7 Apr 2015 FourLeaf

I posted a ST deck today that I've been playing recently here

Feel free to read through my notes for thoughts on the archetype if it would help you in some way. I always look at every other ST deck posted to see if I see something I like, or if they thought of something I didn't.