Heineken 3.0

Snake Eyes 4651

This is an HB Glacial build that has a little bit of Biotic Labor kick to help finish up some matchups.

The higher evolutions of the Fairchildren are exactly the bioroids that HB has been craving for so long. These are punishing subs, that nobody wants to suffer. Ravana 1.0 is a newer card that is getting some love here too, since there are a good array of subs here to choose from.

As a result of this, people are more apt to run vs HB on click one to save room to click through subs... This is where Heinlein Grid really shines, making the runner drop all of his/her credits else they suffer the pain of Fairchild 2.0, Fairchild 3.0, or even old favourites like Heimdall 2.0.

This deck generally only makes one or two remotes, with only one of them holding all the protection. At 18 ICE and no open servers, you should be able to out-tax the multiple waves of Temujin Khantracts that almost every runner is packing these days.

Some of the traditional Glacier tools like Caprice Nisei and Ash 2X3ZB9CY are present here. A lone current in Enhanced Login Protocol is included since that extra click tax really burns runners against this deck, and works as a counter-strike against some of the nice new runner currents.

The agenda suite of 3 ABT // 2 CST // 2 Project V // 2 GFI was chosen for a low agenda density and a realistic chance to punch out a 2 point agenda with a biotic labor, while keeping a nice amount of christmas money with the best neutral 2/ in the game, Corporate Sales Team.

A favourite play of mine to close out some games is to IA the final GFI when I'm at 4 points, then biotic AAAA the next turn.

Weaknesses of this deck include Valencia Blackmail with Rumor Mill and Yog. Yog.0 actually isn't that bad, it's just the only good ICEbreaker against Fairchild 2.0... I've experimented with less Fairchild 2.0s, but it's just so good against most matchups that I'm willing to eat the loss of a few pieces of ICE against it. Plays against the Valencia matchup are to try to neveradvance agendas and hope to out-rush her tools.

29 Oct 2016 divadus

Look at all those Bioroids! 16 of them, no less! Surely this deck must be better in that other HB ID that allies itself with Hillary's campaign slogan? Right?! ...... Sigh.

29 Oct 2016 Jeffrey Bosboom

Well, there's also that upcoming HB identity that mentions bioroids, Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow. You'd have to drop three influence, maybe by dropping Jackson Howard for its partial replacement from the same pack, Preemptive Action.

29 Oct 2016 mawa

I think more likely is ditching Caprice Nisei and accepting a more tempo based game.