mulch v1.2 (5th @ April AMT)

jan tuno 4086

This is the list I played at the last AMT, going 2-1 with it, only losing against sebastiank's new Venti Matcha Latte brew.

Only a few card choices deserve discussion:

  • I'm experimenting with Tranquilizer because I never have before, and Boi-tatá sort of frees up influence allowing us to cut Revolver with very little risk.
  • Pinhole Threading is amazing and I want 2 when venturing into hololand. Fenris has felt borderline cuttable for a while anyway.
  • Gachapon feels great as a 1x and could maybe go up to 2x. Thanks to AugustusCaesar for showing me the way, although I think we see it in different ways: he uses it as a setup card whereas to me it's more of a midgame digging+filtering tool, and I don't really like making removal choices very early in the game, hence the 1x.
  • Daily Casts is just good econ, better than Gamble, you could play Liberated Account instead if you prefer.
  • Hush gets better with each set.

Privileged Access proved too fiddly to actually work despite initially high hopes; Heliamphora is too situational and I might consider it in specific metas, but didn't seem worthy for this one.

This is also the list I will be playing against koga at Fite Club finals, starting at 8am UTC this Saturday! You will be able to watch the stream here.

23 Apr 2024 Watzlav

I've been playing this and the Loup variations since Barcelona and really enjoying it. However, I always backed out to a Shaper for tournament. I never felt confident enough, despite this being my most practiced deck in the last six months.

Long story short, this Sunday I gathered the courage and now you can edit the title to (1st and 5th @ April AMT).

Thank you. <3