Chaos Theory With Dino

Raiddinn 64

Chaos Theory's console is Dinosaurus. That already makes me want to give her that console.

Big Brother is a beautiful piece of artwork, always one of my favorites. It also has an awesome quote and it inspired this deck!

I also happen to think Dinosaurus is a cool console. Too bad it just happens to suck compared to Aniccam. For that matter, it also happens to suck compared to every single other shaper console that exists. You can probably gain win percent across the board by switching Dino to any other console and playing the list as is.

That's exactly why I want to use Dino, though. It is unfair to Chaos Theory that she has to toss her favorite stuffed animal in the trash when she wants to play "Run For Real".

Okay so the biggest problem with Dinosaurus, the one that has always kept it in the binder, has been the whole "install order" thing. You have to put the console out BEFORE the breaker you want to have on it.

To be fair, that is indeed a huge drawback. You want to be able to drop a breaker early and apply pressure starting on turn 1. You don't want to have to spend the first 5 turns just trying to find both your console and your breaker and then get them down in the right order.

This deck wants Engolo on Dinosaurus and the way it gets around that problem is dropping the first Engolo without the Dino, then later putting out Dino and a second Engolo. No Rejig nonsense here!

The console + second Engolo will hopefully come online mid game and up your rig strength considerably. The base power will be 4 going forward and the previous Engolo can be left in play for it's still useful secondary ability to potentially allow you to get through deeper ICE stacks.

Rejig would be worse than this plan, because you want the 2nd Engolo starting in the mid-game anyway so you can get through thicker layers of ICE and so you can get through the more expensive ICE that is starting to come online without spending insane credits to do so.

Don't be afraid to put Nanotech on the Dinosaurus if the opponent is using Sentries and just not installing the 2nd Engolo until you absolutely have to. That should be fine too. Engolo is still the best breaker in the game with just its base stats.

I originally wanted to play Engolo + Adept + MemStrips and no other programs, but apparently such other terrible cards as Adept have been allowed to rotate by NISEI when Dinosaurus has not. Since I can't play crappy Adept, I figured I might as well just play good cards like Rezeki instead.

I think this deck is probably better without a barrier breaker, but if you insist on having one, perhaps sub out an Indexing for an Ankusa as that card fits the deck's theme (playing bad cards with little compensation for it) and benefits a lot from being on a Dinosaurus! That's 2 less cost to send barriers back to the opponent's hand PER ICE! Phear Chaos Theory!

Seriously, don't do this. Just pay the 2. The deck is probably bad enough as it is. Wraparound is there to punish 0 Fracter decks, but at least this deck can get past it for just 3 once you have your "combo" online.

If you really really insist on Ankusa, against my wishes, then at least go full jank and fit in 2x Dedicated Processors.

Between HQI and Legwork, feel free to sub out the one you like less for a 2nd copy of the one you like more. The idea including a "worse" card that your opponent will always see is just to give the corp a good reason to spread their ICE around and not pile it all up on one server.

Same thing with RDI and Indexing, feel free to switch around the counts if you want to. RDI as a 1 of is for the same reason as HQI as a 1 of, to get a card on the board they can always see that makes them want to go more wide and less deep with the ICE.

Also, if you play RDI and then use Indexing, hopefully there are two agendas in the top 5 and you can nab both of them on the second run! The deck will probably need luck like this to win a lot of times!

Also, playing these multi-access cards as 1 or 2 ofs might get your opponent to think you have them as 2 or 3 ofs, each. That can only be to your benefit if you want to retain an ability to get into the remote.

I am trash talking my own deck, but really... all the cards are mostly solid other than Dinosaurus and this is about the best way to use Dino that hasn't rotated out.

There is a case to be made also for dropping something like a Stimhack and adding an Aumakua. Or perhaps using a 3rd Paladin Poemu instead of Trickster Taka and freeing up one influence that way, but I think I would rather have one fewer Stimhack if it came to that.

Modded is a mandatory 3x because it has both Chaos Theory and Dinosaurus in the artwork, because Dino/Engolo/Interfaces are expensive, because I want you to draw more cards instead of clicking for credits, and because it has both Chaos Theory and Dinosaurus in the artwork.

Yes, I did that on purpose.

Also, it's at least theoretically possible to go nuts on turn 1 with Dinosaurus, SMC, and Stimhack! Perhaps Sure Gamble and Modded instead of Stimhack, too.

I make no claim that I have won infinite games and lost none with this deck nor that I have even shuffled this deck. I do, however, at least intend to do so in the near-ish future! I will at least go as far as to say that I made an honest attempt at building a playable deck. I will at least give you that.