Kate McCaffrey: Fun-employed Dog Whisperer

Hapless Hero 35

What's a full-time professional engineer to do when she's out of work?

Why, take up dog walking as a part-time job, of course! Besides her friend's daughter's puppy, and her neighbor's mutt, she's even got a gig taking care of a certain punk rocker's canine.

Kate will clean up any messes that arise, but on the off chance that some unforseen event occurs, you can be sure to reach her on her PAD. She'll answer any time, even if she's busy at her other part-time engagement. Or, perhaps her AI helper will answer the call for you.

The Deck

PPVP Kate with plentiful recursion from Scavenge and Clone Chip. Make money, install programs, run. Trash programs, reinstall programs, make some more money, run some more, win. Hopefully.

Also bark at your opponent whenever you install an icebreaker. I promise it's funnier that way.

15 Dec 2015 oconnor0

Uh, I don't think Atman is a dog... ;)

15 Dec 2015 Hapless Hero

Well...you're right, she's not...but I tried to make it a playable deck, too. :)

15 Dec 2015 Krams

Great description :D

I had a similar breaker suite for a "hounds of Apocalypse" theme deck, but I didn't realize that CyCy is a dog, too :D