Quick Draw Esâ (Worlds 2022 Gunslinging)

pouchsurfer 353

Quick Draw Win Esâ (Worlds 2022 Gunslinging)

Netrunner Worlds 2022 is only a few days away.

And one word keeps echoing inside your head...


How to get your hands on as many sweet alt arts as you can?

We both know it pal. Me and you, we ain't top table material. If we make it to top half, that's our lucky day.

We need to get our hands dirty to get the good stuff. We were given an opportunity, and we ought to take it. It's time to whip out the dusty hat, buckle the old holster, and Gunsling like our life depends on it.

Worlds is going to be busy. And judges (bless them <3) are going to be busy. So I built an Esâ deck with a simple and very tenuous plan in mind: win by turn 6, or get flatlined trying. The deck is all gas and nothing else. We want to draw as much of our deck as we can, as soon as we can, sabotage every turn (core damage + Chastushka is golden), and dive in the bin like a rabid raccoon. The sooner we play Ghosttongue the better, and in a pinch over installing it for another Ghosttongue is 2 sabotage and 1 new card for 2.

The corp builds a scoring remote? Light the Fire!

HQ is icier than the fridge you haven't defrosted since 1993? Frantic Coding for Stargate or drop the The Maker's Eye.

Why is Revolver in this list? Come on. You know it.

Is it good? No

But is it fun? I don't know, I haven't tested it.

But is it fast? You bet your horse it is, cowpoke.

See you soon amigo. Good luck out there.

4 Oct 2022 Sauc3

This seems like good clean fun to me!

5 Oct 2022 crowphie

I wasn't paying attention and I misread "Frantic Coding" and "Moshing" as Frothing, and I think that's a damn good name for a Parhelion card, NSG.