Fluffymodernism [SG+SU21]

Fluffy1 16

This deck can definitely score out, just Clearinghouse is a good shortcut. This has dominated our SG+SU games with a 100% winrate in all its iterations, except when a newer player picked it up.
Card choices

  • Hostile Takeover is scorable out of hand, gives a big econ boost, relatively painless to forfeit to Archer. The bad pub is fine in the light of how otherwise great this agenda is.
  • Oaktown Renovation is credit positive rather than negative.
  • Offworld Office gives us money. Sensing a pattern?
  • Project Atlas lets us fetch what we need most. Period.





  • Eli 1.0 Central Barrier par excellance
  • Ice Wall Cheap gear-check.
  • Enigma Good.
  • Hortum I'm running out of things to say here, but this is well priced, and blocks Mayfly
  • Archer Speaks for it self.
  • Rototurret I wanted to spend influence and trash programs.

This is my first published decklist on NRDB though I did put an earlier version on the Stimhack Untested/Non-competitive Decklist thread. Any suggestions are welcome! I am working on a full Startup version.

10 Jul 2023 Brindelmold

This deck shoots money in every direction! Do you not find that you have more than you actually need? I was thinking of trying a similar list (or at least, similar agendas to make that caaash) and was curious on your experience.

10 Jul 2023 awildturtok

As @Brindelmold mentions, you are printing way too much money, for how little you are actually spending it on.

I'd cut the Marilyns, Elis, and/or Rototurrets for Seamless Launch. That way you can also never-advance an Atlas or an OffOff.

The corporate Town is quite expensive for then requiring you to commit either your scoring remote, or some ice to it. You're better off including more Ice (especially expensive Ice like Pharos). Same goes for Clearinghouse, but doing that for tempo is probably only half bad.

Rototurret is in my experience really overrated as ice, especially since you're already on Archer. Maybe spend that slot towards a Magnet to free your Archer from Botulus instead?

A Startup version could run Public Trail and End of the Line, but I'm not sure that's a viable kill plan, as mostly everyone is on No Free Lunch or will try to keep 5 cards in hand otherwise.

12 Jul 2023 DDDydra

@Brindelmold``@awildturtok Sounds correct, I just haven't lost with this, so can't tell the bad cards easily.

12 Jul 2023 DDDydra

oops wrong account.

12 Jul 2023 Fluffy1

@awildturtokI had magnet in before but I cut it for some reason. And yes, I have never been broke. Will update.

13 Jul 2023 Fluffy1

I played against this deck a lot aginst Fluffy1. I highly recommend it. this deck always wins.

13 Jul 2023 DDDydra

I highly recommend using this deck.