The Keyhole Heard Round the World (Throwback, 9th, 4-1)

YsengrinSC 1437

Andre: "Hyperdriver Keyhole.... ooooof course. What where we all thinking?

Whiteblade: "Ysengrin the American says: Keyhole goes brrrr"

CTZ: "LOL watch this cool JPEG BBBBBBBB"

Do you miss net-installer?

Do you miss putting 5 tech cards, breakers and money and letting it ride?

Do you want to make Whiteblade giggle like a child?

Do you want to beat a world Champion?

Just play this deck and bluff a Tapwrm Sacrificial Construct and you'll get a bunch of cheeky wins.

I got a bunch of favorable matchups in Swiss, three Sports, an Asa, and SYNC. Lost round 1 because 2x Fairchild 2.0 on R&D ended up taxing me out and I tunneled on R&D. Against Spark I camped the remote for a bit, and used Keyhole to finish. Against Pinsel's Value Asa and Brain Rewiring Sports, un-iced R&D meant I could tear them apart with Hyperdriver+ Keyhole turns.

7 Dec 2020 neuropantser

never thought i'd say this but damn maybe i should have played shaper

15 Aug 2022 ShaperLord777

Always play shaper.